Coolest Handmade Zombie Ariel Costume

Every year I have a big Halloween costume party at my house. I always go over-the-top and decorate every room in the house. I also love to go all out and make my costumes! This year, I got a group of friends together to go as Disney characters, with a twist…ZOMBIES! Being a redhead, I decided to go as Zombie Ariel!

I made my costume using some pretty simple items. The seashell bra was literally made from seashells I found in Hawaii, painted purple and glued to a purple bra. I made the tail using green scaled fabric that I found at a fabric store. I didn’t do the greatest sewing job but the great part about being a Zombie is that your costume doesn’t have to look perfect! The more ripped up or uneven it is…the better! I dabbed the seashell bra and fin with brown paint to make them appear more dull and dirty. Then added “wounds” to my face and body using a simple toilet paper and glue technique to make the “wounds” appear deep, then added red fake blood and makeup for a more realistic look. I even used teeth stain that I got at a costume shop to make my teeth look decayed. I topped it off with a long, messy red wig!

While shopping at a thrift store I found a Flounder stuffed toy and “Zombified” him! I lightly painted him with brown and red paint to give him that dead look and glued some crazy eyes over his existing eyes using some ping pong eyeballs I found at the dollar store.

The rest of our group included my boyfriend who was a very creepy Zombie Pinocchio, my roommate as Zombie Cinderella, my friends as Zombie Aladdin and Jasmine as well as Zombie Mr & Mrs Incredible!

Our costumes were a big hit! We had so much fun and definitely creeped everyone out with our evil twist on the traditional Disney character costumes!


Coolest Handmade Zombie Ariel Costume

Coolest Handmade Zombie Ariel Costume

Coolest Handmade Zombie Ariel Costume

Coolest Handmade Zombie Ariel Costume

Coolest Handmade Zombie Ariel Costume

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