Home » Spooky, Gory, Dark & Scary Costumes » Headless Costumes » Coolest Headless Girl Costume

Coolest Headless Girl Costume

We got the headless girl costume idea from this site. My daughter loved it. So we set off to make it. This was the easiest and cheapest costume I have ever made. I set out to thrift stores to find a dress. When I got the dress home I got a rolling backpack and duck taped a pillow to the top. I then cut off the rest of the backpack so that only the top of it and the armholes were left. I stuffed it into the dress and used more cotton to form the body. I purchased hands at a Halloween store and stuffed them into the sleeves with cotton to make the arms.

I then cut a hole in the dress for my daughters head. The hands were fastened around her head with safety pins. The neck of the headless girl costume was made with a sour cream container paper mache, paint and melted crayons. She won a Halloween contest and was also stopped on the streets for pictures. She looked awesome. Total spent $15 on hands and dress.

Headless Girl Costume - the neck part

Headless Girl Costume - Closeup

Headless Girl Costume - the back

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