Home » Theme Costumes » SciFi & Futuristic Costumes » Alien Costumes » Coolest Homemade Alien in a UFO Costume

Coolest Homemade Alien in a UFO Costume

My daughter decided that she wanted to be an Alien for Halloween, but just no ordinary alien would do. She decided she wanted to be an alien in a UFO. My husband, my daughter and I all made sure we had a hand in the costume making process.

We completed the idea of the Homemade Alien in a UFO Costume by adding Tupperware compartments onto the “ship” that held smoking dry ice and of course, working lights. The costume was surprisingly light weight, as it was held together by a home depot bucket and old backpack straps that crossed against her back. The main parts of the ship were composed from light-weight foam board from any hardware store and then playable metal was adhered in strips to create the dome shape around the costume.

Lots of hot glue and bolts were used to secure it all. We used an old pool raft to create the lime green in between the ship. A hoola hoop and thermal blanket were attached at the bottom to look like a beam. This took a lot of time and effort but was totally worth it! What a fun Halloween!

A list of the items we used were:

Silver Leotard
Lime Green Raft or Float
Spray Paint
Foam Board from Lowe?s or Home Depot
Old Backpack
Battery Powered Christmas Lights
Tupper Ware
Dry Ice
Home Depot 5 Gallon Bucket
Plyable metal
Fake Ears
Hula Hoop
Green Face Paint
Thermal Blanket

1 thought on “Coolest Homemade Alien in a UFO Costume”

  1. amazing I’ve been up all night and thinking of an idea just like your’s. I’ve been watching the NYC news and people thought there were UFO’s in the sky. So here i am looking for an alien costume. Great job


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