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Coolest Homemade Baby Cabbage Patch Costume

I decided to make my daughter a Baby Cabbage Patch costume because so many people say she looks like a doll! I got the idea, from another submitted costume, to put the box around the stroller so it could be taken out for trick or treating.

We took a box and fit it to the stroller, making a hole in it for the handle to stick out. Then we got white poster board and glued it to the box so it would be stronger and the paint would stick better.

We painted the inside of the box pink and the outside yellow. I printed out pictures of Cabbage Patch kids and of the writing on the outside of the real boxes and glued them to the outside of the box. I painted the bigger logos and the stork because I couldn’t find them big enough to print out.

I printed out a Cabbage Patch Birth Certificate and put my daughter’s name and birthday on it. I then glued the Birth Certificate and accessories inside the box. We took a sheet and draped it over the stroller and cut holes in it for the seat belt straps to come through.

She loved it, she just smiled at everyone and everyone else loved it too!

 Baby Cabbage Patch Costume

 Baby Cabbage Patch Costume

 Baby Cabbage Patch Costume

6 thoughts on “Coolest Homemade Baby Cabbage Patch Costume”

  1. I really like this idea. It seems to me that with most of the elaborate costumes that my kids just don’t keep them on. This one looks pretty easy to make and even easier to keep the baby in it.

  2. This is fabulous! How did you get the box to stay ON…and where did you find the birth certificate and other printable logo’s? Having a hard time finding anything? L-O-V-E this! *TWO THUMBS UP!*

  3. E-mail the cabbage patch people and they will send you one and they will also put the name and birthday that you want on it as well.


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