Home » Theme Costumes » Coolest Homemade Baby’s First Halloween Costume

Coolest Homemade Baby’s First Halloween Costume

This Homemade Baby’s First Halloween Costume is morbid, light-hearted and kind of cute, all in one.

When you are pregnant it is difficult to not only find an outfit that fits for Halloween but also one that celebrates the time of life you are in. I made this costume “Baby’s First Halloween” because it fits my sense of humor. I thought the idea was hilarious. The whole outfit cost $1.50.

I went to a local thrift store and bought a doll that was a little beat up and used its arms and legs. I stuck them to a flat piece of card stock and poked them through some small holes that I made in an old shirt. The purpose of the card stock was to keep the arms and legs from going all the way through the shirt. I added the cute little trick or treat bag to make it a little less morbid and more light-hearted.

34 thoughts on “Coolest Homemade Baby’s First Halloween Costume”

  1. Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I was so bummed trying to find a costume that would fit. I’m definitely trying this one out! It is so cute! What a great idea!

  2. Thats one of the coolest costumes I’ve seen so far. My fiance thinks its a great idea for Halloween this year I’ll be 29 weeks. I think this will be fun!

  3. this is soooo cool. im 5 months pregnant, and im so excited to use this outfit this month…and my lil baby girl is sure excited too…her first trick or treat inside my belly..this is soooo great. thanks alot!

  4. Definately think this is going to be my costume. I will be 21 weeks and this will be the best costume at the party… Haha! Greatest costume I’ve seen to date

  5. I’m totally doing that this year! I’m making mine a bit more gruesome looking though.. looking like the baby is busting out of the shirt by making the holes look more ripped open and adding a little fake blood :) totally going to use a little trick or treating bag too, just so people don’t think it is too brutal.

  6. I did this same costume today at work and WON money for most original costume!!!!
    The only thing I did differently is I had the baby sitting vertically rather than horizontal as in the pic. So the arms are at the top of my belly and legs at the bottom.

  7. I’m on here just looking for a good idea-that won’t cost an arm & a leg LOL! and love it and I’m not even pregnant!great job,,,,

  8. i had a very similar idea before seeing this. just the arms holding a treat bag. it was great! a lot of people were grossed out but most people thought it was funny!

  9. i had a very similar idea before seeing this. just the arms holding a treat bag. it was great! a lot of people were grossed out but most people thought it was funny!

  10. Thanks for the great costume idea. I am 25 weeks and I dif not want to go out this halloween until now. I love this costume. Can’t wait to go shopping for it. I all so need an idea for an ugly christmas sweater too.

  11. I used this idea this year and it was great. I am having my baby in 2 weeks and so I already look like the baby is coming out. So with arms and legs coming out of my shirt, I definately caught people attention! Thanks for the idea.

  12. Love this idea, I was planning on doing something similar but might do an alien popping out instead. Just have to try and find the toy now!


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