I don’t want to enter the contest, just wanting to share my Homemade Cupcake Diva Costume. I Googled it and found this web site! I didn’t know there was people out there that loved cupcakes as much as me!! Glad I found you all! Love the site.
Coolest Homemade Cupcake Diva Costume

love that costume, how did u make it? can u make me one?
How did you make this??
The bottom part is a poster board cut in half and folded to look like a cup cake cup. Then I sprayed it all over and put industrial strength foil im sure regular house foil would work as well! The top is pink material sewn into a tube shape much like you would do a scrunchy lol then stuffed with batting and hand sen together looked a lot like a doughnut around my waist when I tried it on to see if it fit. Then I twisted pink and purple netting all around that then hot glued the sprinkles (pom-poms) to the netting. I tied a ribbon from the back of the cup to the front like suspenders to keep it from falling
The head piece is a wig with a styro foam ball ( I wanted an over the top sized cherry!) painting my fav color…(not red lol)…PINK!!!! Then sprays it with the glue and COVERED it with GLITTER! The stem part is a couple of metallic(shiny again) green pipe cleaners twisted and bent together, I doubled or tripled the pipe cleaners to fit the size of the “cherry”. I made a hole in the ball then super glued it in. I topped my cherry hair off with a big wired silver ribboned bow to match my silver Cup. I wore white with silver fleck fishnet stocking with pink small hilled shoes. I wore a purple tank top. It was a hit!
Just wondering roughly how much did it cost to make? My 4 yr old seen your costume and now its all shes talking about. thanks a bunch
My friend and I are looking at Cupcake costumes and we came across yours and LOVED the colors you used. They are bright and are her daughters favorite colors. thx for the idea!!!