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Coolest Homemade Disney Pixar’s Up Costume

My boyfriend and I loved this movie, and I thought it would be a great costume for Halloween. So I got started on my Homemade Disney Pixar’s Up Costume with a few cardboard boxes, some acrylic paint, a little clay and glue, and here’s the final product! It took about 15 hours total.

The house is mostly cardboard, but there are a few other touches, such as a clay porch and ribbon garden hose. I printed pictures of the house at different angles so I could get the colors and basic structure just right.

For my boyfriend’s Carl Friedrickson costume, I made the glasses from cardboard and painted them black, and also made the “grape soda” pin that the character wears in the movie. Unfortunately, not seen in this picture is the quad cane walker with the four tennis balls, just like the movie. I found this perfect jacket for him at a local thrift store, and we had all of the other pieces for the outfit.

Walking down the street we were getting a lot of smiles and waves and people honking, it was great and we are really proud of them.

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