Home » Spooky, Gory, Dark & Scary Costumes » Headless Costumes » Coolest Homemade Executioner and Headless Woman Costume

Coolest Homemade Executioner and Headless Woman Costume

My husband and I made this Homemade Executioner and Headless Woman Costume from scratch except for the dress of course. We used cheesecloth to mold my body for the upper part of the costume. After it dried and was set we filled it in with liquid foam while securing 2 dowels in the middle of the cast.

The dowels were then sewn into a backpack to wear on my back to create the illusion. The backpack was tied worn on my back and tied around my waist to secure it in place. We bought the wedding dress at a local costume shop. A long slip is worn under the dress to hide the rest of my legs to help with the illusion. My husband went as the “executioner” to add to the costume.

It took about 3 weeks and appx $60.00 to make. It was a BIG hit at the parties and there were many that were scared of me. We had a blast making it and wearing it.

4 thoughts on “Coolest Homemade Executioner and Headless Woman Costume”

  1. I love this costume, and I really want one like it. I just don’t get the whole idea of using cheesecloth for the upper body?
    Ah, well. I’ll find some way to work it out.
    Bet it won’t turn out this good though!

  2. We used the cheesecloth that has the plaster inside of it…once you wet it…it molds to your body…we did the front half first around the neck, shoulders and chest and then the back 2nd…the liquid foam held the two pieces together


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