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Coolest Homemade Freeze Flame Child Costume

My 6-year old son came up with his own costume idea this year: Superhero “Freeze Flame”. He sketched his idea on paper and then I did my best to recreate it as his costume. “Freeze Flame” is made up of half fire and half ice and so, after much humming and harring over the right kind of material to use, I decided to just buy black knit pants and a black long sleeve shirt and sew the fire and ice onto them.

First, I sketched my own versions of fire and ice and chose the best. I purchased regular craft felt (by the yard) to make them. There were three colors for each side: the flames were red, orange and yellow, whereas the ice was white, light blue and dark blue.

I cut out my designs, stitched them together and then sewed them onto the pants and shirt. I had to unstitch the inseam of the pants, as well as the sleeves, in order to sew my designs on. It was a A LOT of sewing!

For his face and hair, I just used face paint to paint the flames and ice and bought a little kit containing ice crystals that I glued onto his face. For his hair, I bought a thick gel which I used for spiking up the ice side and gently waving the flame side; I then used hairspray paint color: white for ice, red and orange for flames.

Ultimately, I think I only spent about $30 on the whole costume but many, many hours were put into it. He loved it and I think it came out pretty cool too!

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