Home » Spooky, Gory, Dark & Scary Costumes » Gargoyle Costumes » Coolest Homemade Gargoyle Costume

Coolest Homemade Gargoyle Costume

We’ve always made my son’s costumes at home since he was a baby. Since his birthday is just a few days before Halloween we go all out. Every year he decides what he wants to be and it’s up to me to figure out how to make it. We have a lot of fun. But sometimes he really challenges me.

In third grade he decided he wanted to be a gargoyle. This was going to be a tough one so I got to thinking. I knew he was going to be wearing it at school and it needed to be comfortable. So, I started with grey sweats.

Then I bought a 4″ thick foam pad made for mattresses. I drew the outline we wanted for the wings and had my husband cut it. He used large shears for the outline and then contoured it with a small hand held grinder. It made a huge mess in the garage, but turned out perfect.

Next I used a cheap fireman’s hat that my son had received from the fire dept. and turned it around so the long part of the bill faces forward. I then cut and shaped 1″ foam to form the head of the gargoyle. I just stapled it to the hat.

Then I spray painted the wings and hat with the new stone colored spray paint. It really made it look like stone but remained soft and spongy. I cut two slits in the back of his sweatshirt so the wings slipped through and stayed in place.

He wore gray gloves and shoes and was a great hit at school and around town.

Gargoyle Costume

4 thoughts on “Coolest Homemade Gargoyle Costume”

  1. This costume is awesome, you did such a great job :-)!! I wasn’t looking for costumes, only for gargoyle pictures when I fell on this one. I’m sure your son was THE coolest kid on school that day :-)!!!

  2. Great costume! You stated that you cut slits in the sweat shirt for the wings, but how did you make them stay on your son’s body? Were they tied on him somehow? Thanks!


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