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Coolest Homemade Grenadier Drum Major Costume

My son loves to watch marching bands. We live in Ottawa and follow the Changing of the Guard throughout the summer. This year our son asked if I could make him a Homemade Grenadier Drum Major Costume. I figured it would be fun to try and make it.

I started with the jacket. I used a wool jacket that we were given as a base for the costume. I measured the fabric from the coat and then sewed it onto the jacket. I used fancy ribbon to cover over the seams.

I bought a small hat and a plastic bin from the Dollar store. I placed the bin on the hat and secured it with butterfly clips. I added some padding and duct tape. Finally, I took apart a stuffed gorilla and glued the fur onto the bin. I then cut out gold paper covered plastic to make the chin strap.

The rest of the costume was put together with bits and pieces I have collected over the years (including the fabric).

The total cost of the costume was approximately $20. I still have to finish the pants by sewing on red stripes on the side.

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