Home » Game & Toy Costumes » Jack-in-the-Box Costumes » Coolest Homemade Jack in the Box Stroller Costume

Coolest Homemade Jack in the Box Stroller Costume

I knew, before my son was born, that I wanted to make him a Jack in the Box for his first Halloween, since we were naming him Jackson.

He is only 9 months old, so I wanted to incorporate his stroller in his costume. I got an infant clown costume on EBay, spruced it up a bit, and made him a hat out of an infant cap and foam sheets. My husband is an architect, and worked with foam board a lot in college. We found pre-finished foam boards in dark blue and just cut them to fit the size of the stroller. Hot glue, red fabric, pipe cleaners (to attach it to the stroller), pom poms, and construction paper were all we used, as well as photos of our son in his costume.

We used my mom’s machine which makes the letters and stars, so it was a relatively easy project. He got A LOT of attention in this Homemade Jack in the Box Stroller Costume! He loves his stroller, so he had no problem sitting in it all morning at a shopping center and all evening Trick or Treating!

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