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Coolest Homemade Kellogg’s Pop Tart Costume

My daughter really wanted to be her favorite breakfast food: a Kellogg’s Pop Tart. This costume was surprisingly easy to make.

I started by purchasing two pieces of 1″ green dense foam. I sewed the two pieces together with a needle and thread, leaving the bottom open so she could slip it on. Next, I cut out openings for her hands and head. Then I bought natural color felt and decorated the entire piece to resemble the crust. A hot-glue gun, which is the best option, adhered the felt to the foam and sides.

Next, I cut out a blue piece of felt to resemble the icing and glued it on top. Then I cut holes in the felt for her hands and head. We cut and glued colored straws for the sprinkles. The last pieces were a white material sash with Kellogg’s written on it, and a colored printout with the words “7 Vitamins & Minerals”; both were glued on.

It took about two hours to put everything together. Molly was pretty comfortable wearing it and had a wonderful Halloween!

2 thoughts on “Coolest Homemade Kellogg’s Pop Tart Costume”

  1. My daughter told me she wanted to be a pop tart this year for Halloween, so I started looking on line for some ideas . I came across your costume, showed it to my daughter and she loved it . I am attempting to make it. Hope it comes out as cute as yours. Thanks for the directions and photo.

  2. thanks for the idea me and my friend plan on making this costume! she is going to be the toaster and I am the pop tart so thanks!


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