Home » Character Costumes » Movie & Book Character Costumes » Tomb Raider Costumes » Coolest Homemade Lara Croft from Tomb Raider Costume

Coolest Homemade Lara Croft from Tomb Raider Costume

I made the coat for this Homemade Lara Croft from Tomb Raider Costume. The rest was either borrowed or thrown together from what I already owned. The coat I made out of a robe pattern that had a hood on it, and then attached the fur to the hood. I kind of winged it from the pictures I could find on Google.com. If you search “Lara Croft long coat or Lara Croft Arctic” there are a few pictures from the actual movie.

The gun holsters I borrowed from a friend. (if you know anyone in the armed forces, that’s a good source for these gun holsters otherwise they are kind of pricey). For the hair, I actually bought a clip on hair piece that I found at Walgreens, and then used colored hair spray on the rest. (I’m blond so I needed the darker hair color). I then braided my own hair into the hair piece to make it look like my own hair.

For the pants and tank top these were already in my closet. Then I just wore some black boots with fur on them that my daughter had that happened to match perfectly.

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