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Coolest Homemade Lego Pirate Halloween Costume Idea

I got this homemade Lego Pirate Halloween costume idea online and just added details that my 6yr old insisted on. Such as the peg leg, hook hand and parrot on the shoulder. He wanted it to look just like the Lego pirate toy.

I started by cutting circles out of 2″ foam insulation for the top and bottom of the head. Then I used three dowels to connect the top to the bottom of the head. I then covered it with tag board. I constructed the rest of the costume with cardboard and covered everything in tagboard to get a smooth surface. For the feet I zip tied the cardboard feet to a pair of cowboy boots which worked really well.

I used felt for the hat and hot glued a cardboard pirate scull, that I found in the Halloween decorations, to it. I used spray paint for the body and feet and regular latex paint for the head. I used latex paint for the detail work as well. Then I sprayed it with a gloss spray paint to give it a shine. Careful not to get it on the foam as it will distort it. I also made the hands out of foam, I used two circles and glued them together and cut a hole for a Pringles can to fit in for the arm. I shaped one hand like a hook and the other like a Lego hand. For my sons costume I reinforced them with duct tape and then painted them.

For the Parrot I used a cream container covered with tag board and painted to look like a parrot. I used a plastic mesh for the mouth so he could see out. I also used a little velcro to attach the head to the body.

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