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Coolest Homemade Lichtenstein Comic Book Pop Art Costume

After too many years of the same tired ‘ole remakes and trashy costumes everywhere, I decided to liven things up a bit! This Roy Lichtenstein comic book Pop Art really pops to life (get it?) with this homemade ensemble.

I spent hours polka-dotting myself silly and adding bold comic lines around my features. I sewed heavily colored fabric together to make the dress and lined pleats with fabric paint. I painted heavy lines on high heels and created a foam poster board “thought bubble” that read “Later that night…”GEE, I HOPE I WIN” (a nod toward any costume contests I would enter ;) and hot glued it to a headband that I bought at a local craft store.

I created another foam board sign that read “GASP” to complete the comic look! On my legs I drew in knee-caps and added a “cross-hatching” effect. It took a good while, but I was stoked with the end result!

Homemade Lichtenstein Comic Book Pop Art Costume

Homemade Lichtenstein Comic Book Pop Art Costume

Homemade Lichtenstein Comic Book Pop Art Costume

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