Coolest Homemade Lion Costume

I really wanted this adorable lion costume for my sons first Halloween. However there was absolutely no way I was paying $100 for it. I looked at the costume for weeks before I decided to just go for it and make my own homemade lion costume.

I bought fleece and fake fur fabrics from the store and then I went to work. I sewed for 3 weeks during nap time and every other spare moment I could find with an 8 month old getting into everything. This is what I finally came up with. He was adorable!

Homemade Lion Costume

Homemade Lion Costume

Homemade Lion Costume

4 thoughts on “Coolest Homemade Lion Costume”

  1. I don’t have a pattern. I found a similar costume online but didn’t want to pay $70 so I just went home and winged it. Sorry.


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