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Coolest Homemade Marionette Costume

I had been working on a costume idea for a while. While helping my friend find makeup ideas for her costume, I came across a marionette costume with makeup. I just knew then and there that’s what I had to be. It looked like so much fun.

The core of my costume was homemade.  The skirt was made from strips of plain and glittery black tulle that I purchased at Walmart.  Another internet search revealed a fantastic way to make a no-sew tulle skirt.  The best part is that I can always take the skirt apart to reuse it for something else.  I’m all about repurposing stuff for other costumes or decor.

I must mention that my mini top hat is my proudest accomplishment to date.  It didn’t cost me a cent.  A paper coffee cup taped to a cut-up manila folder served as the top and the brim.  I then covered it using a Sephora shopping bag and gift box.  Their colors were a perfect complement for my own black and white color scheme. Next, I trimmed the hat with shredded black paper and red tissue paper, which were included.  Finally, I glued an old hairclip I found in my drawer to the underside and voila! What was being sold in stores for about $10 a pop, I made for FREE!

To pull the whole marionette look together, I made the control bar out of three dowels and some string.  I just slid the stick down my back and it held nicely with my bra.  A lucky trip to the Goodwill store landed me the perfect vest and I purchased the striped tights on Amazon.  Those purchases were about $7 a piece.

I had great fun wearing this costume, but I think I had even more fun putting it all together.  What a treat!!!

Coolest Homemade Marionette Costume

Coolest Homemade Marionette Costume

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