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Coolest Homemade Mexican Waiter Costume

There is a popular Mexican restaurant in the small town that we live in. My sister had a t-shirt from Los Portales and decided she wanted to be a Los Portales waiter for Halloween. We never thought she would do it, but she did. She definitely has no shame! Her homemade Mexican waiter costume won best costume at the local Halloween party.


-Los Portales (or any Mexican restaurant) shirt
-A long sleeved white or tan shirt
-Black pants (any kind)
-an apron
-Velcro (to put on sleeves of long sleeve shirt)
-paper plates
-taco shells
-construction paper
-a short black wig (we actually had to cut a long one)
-eye liner for mustache

We painted the plates red and put Velcro on the long sleeved shirt and on the bottom of the paper plates so that she could take them off and on. Then, we cut out pieces of paper to make meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, beans, etc…. (you can really do whatever you want). We glued the taco shells and construction paper to the plates and let them dry.

She then put the white long sleeved shirt on first, then the Los Portales t-shirt. We had to cut a long black wig- because we could not find a short one, and we drew a mustache on her, and drew a big brown mole (just for fun) on her face.

When we got to the party she put on her apron and attached her plates. No-one knew who she was! They thought she was my date! It was seriously the funniest thing I have ever seen!

*** You could also Velcro the paper plates to some long oven mittens if you wanted to.

Homemade Mexican Waiter Costume

1 thought on “Coolest Homemade Mexican Waiter Costume”

  1. This is seriously the BEST COSTUME EVER! It is soooo funny, and I CANNOT believe that this is your SISTER! It honestly looks like a waiter! How original! You guys did an AMAZING JOB! I just found my costume for this year…


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