Home » Michael Jackson Costumes » Coolest Homemade Michael Jackson Family Themed Costume

Coolest Homemade Michael Jackson Family Themed Costume

In our family, we celebrate Purim, a Jewish holiday. We dress up every year, always something different, something new. We put it together ourselves, and work weeks and weeks to make sure everything is perfect. This past year, Michael Jackson passed on, and being a big fan of his work, we decided to dedicate our costumes to a Homemade Michael Jackson Family Themed Costume. We decided to do Michael at his different stages, changes in his life.

We did the most present Michael (light skin, long band jacket, etc.). We did Michael from his “Beat It” days, in fact the actual outfit from that particular music video (red jacket). We had Michael from Billie Jean (glittery glove, fedora hat), we even hit Michael’s early years from The Jackson 5.

(Please realize and excuse that some of the pictures include other costumes, not part of our theme.)

Homemade Michael Jackson Family Themed Costume

Homemade Michael Jackson Family Themed Costume

Homemade Michael Jackson Family Themed Costume

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