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Original DIY Peacock Costume with Feather Eyelashes

I wanted to be original…I wanted to be better than most of the college costumes out there. I decided on a a Homemade Peacock Costume. I took an old tank I had and bedazzled it to make it look flashy. I then added peacock feathers and other feathers from the craft store to make a feathery bodice. I was a dancer so I used an old tutu I had and spray panted it black to match the bodice. I then glued green and black feathers throughout the tutu to give that plump “bird bottom”.

My inspiration came from a backpiece I found at a party store, like fairy wings, it was a peacock tail. I simply wore this on my back with the addition of more feathers and glitter added by me! I then took a glittery cheap headband and inserted peacock and green and white feathers in it to make the costume even more fabulous. I wore green tights, and black fishnets over them to create a “scaly” bird leg look.

I topped the costume off with some blue/green eyeshadow, dark lipstick, and FEATHER EYELASHES!

Homemade Peacock Costume

Homemade Peacock Costume

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