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Coolest Homemade Pinata Costume

The whole Pinata costume was under $10!!  Everything was purchased at a Dollar store.

  •  1 to 2 packets of colored tissue paper
  • gift ribbon
  • oak tag
  • T shirt
  • candy

I cut the tissue paper sheets into strips and then folded it in half then length of the T shirt. Cut slits, create the fringes but leave enough uncut to glue strips to the T shirt. You may want to add strips of colored streamer/crepe and constructive paper just  to reinforce it and add different textures. Continue this until you cover the front of the shirt.

Cut the sleeves and bottom of the tee to create fringes on the T shirt  as well. Allow for a few hours to dry. Repeat the same process for the back of the T shirt. Add gift ribbon to act as the “strings being pulled from the  pinata” on the front of the shirt.

The head piece was actually a dinosaur hat I found at the dollar store. I figured the shape and since it was made of a light foam it would work well. I continued the same process as I did with the shirt.  I am sure this can also be done with an old baseball cap. Cut oaktag in the same of donkey ears and cover with the strips of colored paper. Staple to the back of the hat.

I carried around bags of candy on my side. My friend dressed in traditional Mexican clothes and we went around to the different areas at work singing the Mexican hat dance while she pretended to swing ( or at least was suppose to be pretend ..ouch.lol)  at my back.  I grab candy from the bag I had at my side and threw it to the ground. People really got a kick out of it and ran to grab candy as if they were kids again.. so much fun!


 The whole costume was under $10!!  Everything was purchased at a dollar store.
1 to 2 packets of colored tissue paper
gift riboo

 The whole costume was under $10!!  Everything was purchased at a dollar store.
1 to 2 packets of colored tissue paper
gift riboo

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