Home » Theme Costumes » Coolest Homemade Pirate in a Ship Wheelchair Costume

Coolest Homemade Pirate in a Ship Wheelchair Costume

Years ago we read a suggestion in Exceptional Parent magazine to incorporate the wheelchair into the Halloween costume. We’ve had lots of fun doing just that!

The Pirate in a Ship Wheelchair Costume was made using large pieces of cardboard, covered in brown paper and decorated with marker. The box easily folded flat for transporting when not around the wheelchair. We attached string loops to the inside of the box for hanging the box from the wheelchair. The loops in the back were adjustable to be able to adjust the height/level of the box. A small piece of 1×1 can be used the inside edge of the box to add stability if the long side is bowing too much.

The pirate costume was made using a pattern. A pirate flag was made using felt attached to a dowel. On the wheelchair tray we had a spy glass, a treasure map (on a torn piece of brown paper bag, crumpled up and rubbed in dirt to give it an old look) and a treasure chest filled with treasures.

For the treasure chest we used a small wooden trunk from a craft store. We stained it dark brown and then filled it with metallic beads, jewels, and gold coins. We had some of the beads were spilling over the sides of the trunk.

Homemade Pirate in a Ship Wheelchair Costume

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