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Coolest Homemade Popcorn Costume Idea

My daughter wanted to be a box of POPCORN for Halloween last year. It was a great costume that got a lot of compliments, and it was not that hard to make. The body of the costume was made out of cardboard, shaped into the size of a box, and duct taped to hold its form. We then covered the entire box with a white and red thin foam that we bought at the art supply store, to resemble the common striped popcorn box. We also made a “Popcorn” logo and hot glued it to the front of the box.

The top of the costume, where the shoulders are, were covered with the canned foam insulation called “Great Stuff”, which we bought at Home Depot. We layered the foam so it looked like overflowing popcorn, and then stuck REAL POPCORN into the foam before it dried, covering the foam with the real popcorn. It looked awesome.

As a finishing touch to this Homemade Popcorn Costume Idea, we found a red plastic fireman’s hat which we also covered in Great Stuff and Popcorn. Like I said before, she got a ton of compliments on this costume, and even won a trophy from our town’s “Mayor’s Halloween Party!”

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