Coolest Homemade Sesame Street Yip Yips Costume

Halloween is a favorite holiday of my family; we own a restaurant and bar, and host a great Halloween Party every year. As hosts, we make sure that we go all out. This Homemade Sesame Street Yip Yips Costume was an idea that I had the week of, and made hours before arriving to the party.

Everything was bought at Walmart – blue and red fabric, black mesh-like fabric, round Styrofoam balls, and pipe cleaners. Also, get a soft winter hat. While having that on, you will glue where you want the fabric to rest. Then, feel where the eyes are going to be, and cut a hole. Then glue the black mesh fabric on the inside. This is what you will see through. Attach the eyes; use black magic marker for the pupil and pipe cleaners.

We weren’t allowed to win any prizes, as we host the Halloween party, but this was definitely a favorite – especially to people who grew up watching Sesame Street.

6 thoughts on “Coolest Homemade Sesame Street Yip Yips Costume”

  1. Having grown up watching Sesame Street myself, and my dad and I get a kick out of the Yip-Yip family, these costumes would be awesome to make and use for Halloween next year, but perhaps at children’s events too.

    Would you mind giving slightly more depth instructions, perhaps what fabric you bought specifically, and how you made the mouth parts work? I have a feeling these are easy and perhaps redundant questions but they would help when I go and make my own costume soon.

  2. Those costumes were really cool.. to me once i realized who they were! lol! at first i had no idea who they were but now after research.. my mental blank ended! yay!


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