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Coolest Homemade Short Bus Wheelchair Costume

I’m in a wheelchair, so its hard to come up with great costume ideas. This Homemade Short Bus Wheelchair Costume idea came off of the movie Napoleon Dynomite and Bench Warmers. Made it out of a recliner box and regular box. Bought push lights that really light up for the headlights.

I don’t have a picture of the rear but I have my handicap license plate on the back as well. I used krylon spray paint, but found out that acrylic works best on cardboard. Made a emergency hatch on the top to stick my head out of.

11 thoughts on “Coolest Homemade Short Bus Wheelchair Costume”

  1. This is sad. You think it’s funny and clever to poke fun at innocent children with disabilities? Believe me, there is nothing funny about disabled children, it’s heartbreaking to watch them struggle. They have a hard enough time trying to get by in life without having to put up with ridicule from people like you (and the ones who find this sort of thing funny)
    Think about it.

  2. Anonymous…

    If you read the description, you will see that the guy in the “Short Bus” is in a wheelchair. He is trying to be IRONIC. Get a sense of humor.

  3. Being in a wheelchair and having mental development issues are very different things.

    The execution of this costume was good, and the head lights were a very clever touch; however, the costume itself was very poor taste.

  4. I agree with the other poster. Even if he (guy in short bus costume) was also mentally challenged in some way, the costume is in poor taste. The reason why is that not everyone will be able to see the “irony.” This is already showing up on other sites to mock people with disabilities.


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