Coolest Homemade Sleeping Beauty Costume

My daughter wanted to be the BLUE sleeping beauty for Halloween last year. Needless to say, all the sleeping beauty costumes on the market are pink. So I decided to make her own Homemade Sleeping Beauty Costume.

I made a tutu out of light blue tulle and an elastic out of an old pair of her pants and draped it in a royal blue sheer fabric. I bought two leotards, one light blue and long sleeved and one royal blue and short sleeved. I added gold ribbon to the royal leotard and made cap sleeves out of white foam board covered in shimmery fabric. I also made her crown out of a 99 cent foam board visor that I cut to the right shape and spray painted gold.

I had her carry around a red rose all night! she was ecstatic to be such a beautiful princess for Halloween!

4 thoughts on “Coolest Homemade Sleeping Beauty Costume”

  1. This looks amazing! Awesome job! I love the BLUE dress and not the overused pink! And hey she wears blue in most of the move anyways! Too cute!

  2. Just what I was looking for! I love sleeping beauty, she’s my favorite Disney Princess and I was looking for something to help make one from home :)


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