I am wearing a costume that I built from scratch for about $50-70. It’s a Star Wars character called The Mandalorian. The idea came to me when I saw season 2 was coming out right before Halloween. I decided this was what I wanted to build and I began looking at how to do it.
For the most part it was pretty simple, I got epa foam (5mm) and some fabric. I printed out some templates from online for all the silver armor parts and cut those tracings out of the foam. The fabric was used to create the bandolier and the belt.
My mother just sewed them around a predicting belt and made sure to sew in some slots for the silver shells shown on the belt in the picture. She also created a holster for a cheap blaster I cut out of some wood and painted. I painted the foam silver. (Should be mentioned that the foam needs to be painted with house paint or primer or something to make it look like smooth metal).
I had a friend 3D print the helmet which I then sanded down and painted silver, and bought a baby Yoda to go along with it. All the foam armor is held on to some cheap thrift store bought clothes via some Velcro.
I bought a visor to go into the helmet, and my mother made a cape out of some more cheap fabric. What’s great about the whole costume is everything except the baby Yoda was built from scratch and any Star Wars fan can make this costume.
It was a fun costume and I would definitely do another.

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