Coolest Homemade Toy Story Group Costumes

There are four costumes in this design. For our homemade Toy Story group costumes we have Woody, Jessie, Woody Jr and Buzz.

For Woody we purchased cotton material with a cow print on it and cut the fabric into a vest. That was the only thing purchased. He wore his own jeans, yellow dress shirt, red bandanna, cowboy boots and hat and don’t forget the pull string. That was a bamboo ring found at the dollar store with string tied onto the safety pin that connected to the shirt.

For Jessie we used the same cow material and cut it into chaps. The chaps had extra fabric around them so they tied easily around legs over the jeans. We found a white dress shirt and hot glued yellow felt onto it. Make sure that you put the swirl design on the felt with puff paint before hot gluing it to the shirt. We made a felt design for the top and back and for the cuff of the sleeve. The hot glue felt does come off the shirt. For the hair we made braids with brown yarn by tying the top which also helped in pinning the yarn piece to the red hat. And don’t forget the pull string it was the same as Woody’s.

Woody Jr. also featured the same material made into a vest; his own shirt and jeans with red bandanna, the star is wood and was painted yellow and wrote Sheriff, a safety pin was glued on the back. We found boy cowboy boots and a thrift store.

The Buzz costume was made with a child’s Halloween suit pattern. We used plastic material which can rub and stick so make sure child wears clothing underneath. We used foam material to make the helmet piece and cut shapes to resemble the buzz sound makers, hot glue was used to stick them on. The purple head piece is made with stretchy material. We used white gloves and hot glued buzz buttons onto them as well. His wings were made out of cardboard and the plastic material was sewed around the piece. Hot glue was used for the rockets and the rest of the buttons. The glasses were purchased at Disneyland in the toy story section.

These homemade Toy Story group costumes were fun to create. Woody and Jessie were asked to sign Halloween bags, we felt like characters at Disneyland, it was awesome. Buzz won several prizes and many people loved it. The Buzz costume was even worn to the premiere of Toy Story 3 everyone loves this costume, and will ask to take pictures with your child.

Homemade Toy Story Group Costumes

Homemade Toy Story Group Costumes

Homemade Toy Story Group Costumes

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