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Coolest Homemade Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum Costumes

I wanted to come up with a costume for my twins that was original so I came up with Homemade Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum Costumes from Alice in Wonderland.

The costumes were easy to make but turned out so cute. I didn’t have a pattern so I made my own. I used a stretchy red and yellow fabric to make the shirt and pants and sewed them together. I put a cuff on the sleeves. White fabric was cut and stitched together to make the collar. I added a bowtie out blue fabric. The outfit tied in the back to make it easy to get them into it.

A quilting hoop was used to make them round around the middle and tied into the costume. I wrote Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum on the collar with black fabric paint. The hats were made out of triangles of red felt sewed together to make a circle and I put a straw in the hole at the top and glued a triangle of yellow felt to it. The hardest part was getting them to leave the hats on! I was finally able the sneak the hats on without them noticing!

Hope you enjoy the costume!

8 thoughts on “Coolest Homemade Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum Costumes”

  1. Those are the most adorable costumes I have ever seen! My son and best friend are walking in a kiddie parade and I cannot wait to make costumes for them!

  2. i have twins myself… they will be almost a year at Halloween and i want to do tweedle dee and tweedle dum too!! although, maybe we’ll wait until next year when we know for sure they will be walking… your little ones are ADORABLE!

  3. I am making my twin girls Tweedle costumes too and was trying to find a way to make the hats. I too am using hoops for the belly area. I am glad this site is here. Thank you for showing the cute picture too! :)

  4. I have a set of twins myself and every year i try to make something unique for them to be for Halloween. I was watching the new Alice in Wonderland and thought Tweedledum and Tweedledee would be perfect but wasn’t sure on how to make them. Your twins look adorable and I’m sure they had a great time that your trick or treating.

  5. i am not a seamtress and my mother in law is trying so hard to make something similar to this for my 2 year old twins. can you please send me a message and let me know specifically what type of fabric you use? koledgo@hotmail.com

    thanks for your help


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