Coolest Homemade Two Face Costume

I spent the first couple of days scuffing, charring and applying shoe polish and charcoal powder to a cheap suit, tie and dress shirt. I singed the frayed pieces of the suit jacket with matches to give it a melted look.

Once I was happy with the way the suit looked, I began working on the makeup. Using toupee tape and spearmint gum I distorted my face, pulling the left side of my mouth and nose up and my left eyelid down. The makeup application was pretty simple. I first applied pieces of hemp thread to create depth to my face and amply expose tendons and muscle. A few pieces were put under my eye and then small bunches near the mouth to accentuate the jaw muscles.

I had bought a burn fx kit and a set of four “burn” colors and I applied a base of navy blue first. I slowly built up the fx gel, which came in three parts: flesh tone, blood and mucous. Once the gel started to cool, I was able to start creating the burn effect and, with finishing touches of blue, black and some flesh tone gel, I managed to create the effect I wanted.

I used stills from the “Dark Knight” movie to get the flesh patterns and suit as close as possible to the original.

Lastly, I took an old wig, cut it in half and attached it to my head using toupee tape. It was then trimmed and styled and I was ready to go. I had a blast making this Homemade Two Face Costume and look forward to next year’s creation!

4 thoughts on “Coolest Homemade Two Face Costume”

  1. This looks so real! Do you have anymore pictures from different sides? I want to do this costume, but I need a better look at the overall look. Thanks!


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