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The Coolest Homemade Ultimate Warrior Costume

As an 80’s baby, which little boy did not love watching wrestling on TV? And who doesn’t remember the epic match between Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior? Boy, was that a classic. About a week before Halloween 2012 my cousin asks me what my thoughts were about creating him the Ultimate Warrior costume for our annual party. Being a fan of The Ultimate Warrior as a child I mastered his iconic symbol years ago, and with that thought I agreed.

We found the Speedo’s, arm strings, and the wrestling boots online and had them 2nd day aired to us. The wristband and nude colored leggings were purchased at a local clothing store, and found white volleyball knee pads at a sports store. The boot tassels were made from Velcro, with balloon strings in matching colors glued to it. We got lucky finding a wig that was similar to The Ultimate Warriors actual hair style and with a little snip it worked perfect. He was blessed by the Halloween gods when a friend of ours called him saying he would borrow him a WWF Championship replica belt.

After having all the materials I simply drew stencils in various sizes, cut them out, and airbrushed the iconic symbol on the Speedo’s and kneepads. I then outlined the symbols with a sharpie fabric marker. I also airbrushed the outline of his face with a stencil I created and free handed the rest of the face paint. After doing his makeup I painted the abs in with blush and wallah, magic!

The Coolest Homemade Ultimate Warrior Costume

The Coolest Homemade Ultimate Warrior Costume

The Coolest Homemade Ultimate Warrior Costume

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