Coolest Homemade Yip Yip Costume

Well first off I had no idea how to make this Yip Yip costume. This costume was made for my oldest daughter. I think she was born in the wrong era! Her birthday is June 20 1998 and she loves anything and everything from the eighties. So it began the making of a Yip Yip costume. A Yip Yip is a character from Sesame Street from the late 70’s early 80’s.

First finding the perfect material vintage looking and how to put it all together. We had to make sure there was enough material to reach the ground she didn’t want her feet to show. So we just draped it over her head cut small hole for the mouth. Next we thought we would have to put a coat hanger all the way around the opening of the mouth, but we didn’t, we just put one in the front of the mouth in a “U” shape for support. We took some black material for the mouth, we made a hole right through so when she was trick or treating the candy would go through the mouth and into the back she was holding under her costume.

The antennas were made with coast hangers covered in material and hot glued to the eyes. The eyes were large foam balls from dollar store we painted the black on with paint hot glued them on the top of her head.

There you have a Yip Yip costume. My girls do not like store bought costumes, we always make our own. We enjoy it, the time spent together, the thought process and the end result. Well hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it.

Well first off I had no idea how to make this costume.  This costume was made for my oldest daughter.  I think she was born in the wro

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