Coolest Hand-Crafted Zoltar Costume

I made this Homemade Zoltar Costume from Big back in high school the night before Halloween. Basically took a big box and spraypainted it and rubbed coal from the woodstove on it to make it look a little bit less like a cardboard box and cut it to size.

I’m pretty sure I was wearing suspenders made out of rope under the shirt to hold the costume up as well. Covered the center with playing cards and jewels and whatnot and hung a curtain behind me.

I think I either printed out or stenciled the Zoltar and Fortunes signs then dipped them in tea to color the paper then burned them a bit over the stove. Underneath there was a dispenser that put out fortunes. Did some standard “dummy” makeup and put on a turban. I actually ended up finding a chair and sitting for quite a bit of the night, and telling people to get me a beer and I would read their futures.

It was pretty fun, but not the most mobile costume. Hope you enjoy it!

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