Cool Homemade Zoltar Halloween Costume

We made this Zoltar Halloween costume using a box from a microwave.

We painted it to roughly match the colors of the Zoltar video game machine from pictures we found online. I’m not sure if this game even exists anymore, but everyone recognized it immediately. I used a box cutter to cut out the window areas. I used black paint and gold glitter paint to paint the details on the box. I purchased red glitter felt letters to write Zoltar on the box.

Inside the box, I made the back curtains from an old pillow case. I used sparkling wrapping paper for the background and the little shelf in front. On the shelf, I attached tarot cards that I printed off the computer. I created a crystal ball using a battery-operated glow stick inside a globe. Next to the curtains I created lamps using battery-operated candles, glued to the back of the box. I also added gold bead necklaces to the side windows to enhance the look.

For the costume, I purchased the hat and used another old pillow case to create the vest. We topped it off with bead necklaces we had. Inside the box, we taped some fortunes to slip through the hole on the front of the box. My son had a blast being a fortune teller for the night. He was a hit at the Halloween party we attended, in fact, most party goers thought he was one of the attractions.

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