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Coolest Indiana Jones Costume

My husband downloaded the demo of LEGO Indiana Jones for our X-Box 360. My four year old son saw him playing the game one day and wanted to try it for himself. Now he is hooked. Everywhere we go it’s Indiana Jones this and Indiana Jones that. He looks at the toys in the stores too.

We celebrated his birthday last weekend and he got two Indiana Jones action figures. (One was from us and we put it on his cake.) Now he wants to dress like Indiana Jones. That was no problem for me because we already had most of the pieces here, we just had to look for them.

For his hat we turned his $1.00 cowboy hat into the perfect Indy hat. Then we needed the shirt. Well Grandma happened to have one in her closet that she was saving for his real birthday (which is next weekend.) His jacket is his new jacket that I put up for the fall that I got at Old Navy for like $7.00. Now he needed the pouch. Nothing came to mind until we were at Uncle Will’s and found Uncle Will’s tool belt, which was a khaki color. Throw on a pair of khaki pants and fifty cent loafers from St. Vincent DePaul and viola – instant Indiana Jones.

I think that I spent less than $20.00 on this great homemade Indiana Jones costume.

11 thoughts on “Coolest Indiana Jones Costume”

  1. Wow! what a great costume! hey, you might want to check out Goodwill. They have stuff that can improve your costume. Good bye.

  2. What you see my son holding in the picture is a little plastic knife he got from the dollar store in a pirate set (that didn’t leave the house.) My husband and I made his whip using brown duct tape. If you type bull whip from duct tape into Google a great website comes back on how to make a bull whip from brown duct tape (which I got at a nearby retail store on sale for $1.20.)

  3. Hey, have you seen any movies? if you check them out you could get a good picture of what Indy`s clothes look like and update your costume. Bye.

  4. you should take off the strap on the tool belt and place a leather belt on the bag.Also,add a belt to your pants and add a whip hold for the whip.

  5. My only disagreement is the hat (too wide brimmed and it looks like woody’s hat) and the satchel (the pouch is on his chest when it should be at his side) but everything else is very neat!


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