Cool Jellyfish Costume

Our Jellyfish costume was completely hand made with love! We used umbrella hats for the top and covered them with fabric which we painted and added glitter. We wanted the jellyfish to look as realistic as possible, so we knew they had to light up.

We purchased cheap light up swords and carefully dissected them (hacked them up with a hammer). We harvested the light strings and attached them to our costumes to look like dangling tentacles. There are also streamers and ribbons which we curled to look like more tentacles. My boyfriend Ben and I have received great feedback from our Halloween costumes. We plan to attend many parties this Halloween to show off our delightful jellyfish costumes. What makes them so special is the fact that they were made completely by hand and the materials for each one cost only about ten dollars.

Happy Halloween and please pick us!

Homemade Jellyfish Costume

Homemade Jellyfish Costume

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