Home » Carmen Miranda Costumes » Coolest Little Chiquita Banana Girl Costume

Coolest Little Chiquita Banana Girl Costume

My daughter always likes to be something unique for Halloween. I thought she would make the cutest Carmen Miranda Chiquita Banana Girl so I asked my mother in law to help me make a Little Chiquita Banana Girl Costume. I had an idea in my head and it turned out great.

To make the hat we bought a blue hat and cut off the bill. We wrapped the blue fabric around to make the wrap and glued a Styrofoam cone to the hat. We then started attaching fruit and flowers to the cone to make the fruit hat. We bought primary colored fabric and my mother in law made the shirt and skirt. The best part about the costume (other than it is so adorable) is that it cost under $25 to make with all the materials. There is no way I could ever buy a costume this cute for $25. I do have a skin colored leatard for her to wear under it if it’s cold on Halloween night. She is so excited to enter the local costume contests. I think she has a pretty good chance.

4 thoughts on “Coolest Little Chiquita Banana Girl Costume”

  1. Is there somewhere I can get a pattern for this costume? My daughter saw this and loved it. I would love to get a pattern for my mom to make this for her.


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