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Coolest LMFAO Costume

In a world where there has been non-stop shuffling, we have been forced to conform to a lifestyle of the Party Rock. While others have tried to fight it, I chose to embrace it. There is no better way to celebrate Halloween than being in a comfortable costume that looks just like the person and gives you a reason to dance all night long. Plus I love wearing cheetah print.

I decided to start off by constructing some of the more unique accessories that I saw in the video like the “party rock” glasses and shoes. The glasses were an easy make while the shoes required hours of bejeweling to make sure that there was an adequate amount of bling on my feet. The necklace was made out of a rubber stamp material and some old gold chains I had lying around (Yes I have old gold chains lying around). Finally it was just a walk to the thrift store to find the tightest animal print pants available.

This Homemade LMFAO Costume was very easy to make. Hope you like it!

Homemade LMFAO Costume

Homemade LMFAO Costume

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