Home » Food/Drink Costumes » Candy Costumes » Coolest M and Ms Costume

Coolest M and Ms Costume

I wanted something different than the normal costume. I bought a bag of M&M’s and copied it to life size – all the way down to the ingredients on the back with the bar code. It is comfortable to wear and it doesn’t take up much storage. It’s also fun to see people’s reaction.

8 thoughts on “Coolest M and Ms Costume”

  1. That is a spectacular costume! How did you get it to print in “life” size? Printed on what type of fabric? Thanks

  2. This looks so real! I bet if you put the costume far away, and take a picture, someone would mistake it for the real candy!

  3. How in the world did you do this, I need to be a Reese cup this Halloween and I need and idea really quick!! If you can help please do. I will come back here and check. Thanks, Heather

  4. All the print was hand painted with squeeze puff fabric paint on felt, it was not printed but hand painted over a series of three days. After two years the paint is still on and it looks the same. The giant M&M was fabric that was double fused onto the felt.


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