Coolest Mad-Hatter Costume for a Tween Girl

My daughter is a huge Alice in Wonderland fan. Last year, she had her heart set on being the Mad Hatter for Halloween.  Most of the costumes she liked were a little too grown up, and the others were just too commercial. Instead we found this pattern and she helped make it, along with her grandma and me.

She picked out the fabrics that she wanted for the costume and the hat herself, and we helped her with cutting it out and sewing it.  The hat was the part that we were most proud of!  We made it out of fabric and poster board using some directions that we found online.  It only tool about 30 minutes to make, and it turned out awesome!

My favorite part was taking pictures of my daughter in the costume.  She did a great job hamming it up!  I love the funny faces and funky foot positions.

Coolest Mad-Hatter Costume for a Tween Girl

Coolest Mad-Hatter Costume for a Tween Girl

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