Coolest Mario Bros. Costume

Mario! The image that pops into our head is of the mustached Italian. Okay I may not be Italian, a man, have a real mustache, and an awesome fro. But I think I pulled off this Mario Bros. costume pretty well.

This costume was a last minute thing and probably could have turned out better. I just grabbed random things I had laying around, for example the white part of the hat is a sock I cut out. The mushrooms on the overalls are from Google images that I printed and cut out. Unfortunately I had no Luigi, maybe next time though.

This was last Halloween (2007), this year I am going to make an improved Mario costume I am going for the white overalls, red shirt, white hat and of course the red M. I am also trying to look for accessories such as fireballs, a plunger, mushrooms and other related things like that. Well there is not really more I can say about this costume. But I encourage you to leave comments.

1 thought on “Coolest Mario Bros. Costume”

  1. We love your outfit. My son is 5 and we are looking to buy a costume or make one.. It didn’t dawn on me to do the hair.. Great job.. Too fun..


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