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Coolest Mr. T Costume

Mr. T is my idol for so many different reasons. Not only is his look one of the most recognizable and iconic looks ever, he is a great role model and stands for what’s good and decent in this world.

When I decided on a Homemade Mr. T Costume , I broke it down to several components:
1. clothes
2. accessories
3. mohawk and beard
5. GOLD!

1. For the pictures in this submission, I used a long sleeve thermal (red or black works best), army camo pants and high-top converse chuck taylors. I have since purchased a denim jacket (sleeves ripped off), combat boots and a couple army camo t-shirts along with a STAPLE of the Mr. T look – white high tube socks with multi-colored stripes at the top. Mix and match the socks (he does this to identify with us poor kids that sometimes didn’t have matching socks…as he didn’t neither when he was younger).

2. My accessories included a brown weight-lifting belt and custom made earrings with red, white and blue feathers. You can make the earrings very easily by going to your local craft store. There will be some hot-glue bonding involved so the feathers stay intact but well worth it!

3. I knew I was going to be Mr. T all year, so I stopped shaving my face and head for several months. The week of Halloween, I cut my hair into the Mr. T-styled mohawk and wore a beanie at work that week to hide it. But since my corporate American conservative employer wouldn’t like me walking around daily with a Mr. T-styled mohawk, you can always get creative. The first time I did Mr. T, it was a last minute decision and I didn’t have time to grow my hair to appropriate lengths. I tried so many different options but wasn’t comfortable with any of them.

Walking out of Wal-mart dejected due to lack of a Mohawk solution, I came across some faux fur. As a last ditch effort, I bought 3 packs of it, along with some spirit glue (local costume store) and cut out a Mohawk. It worked fantastically – people even thought it was my real hair! For the beard/mustache, go to local costume store and get a fake facial hair. You’ll have to trim it and use spirit gum for adhesive, but you’ll love it.

4. I’ve seen so many people on this site talk about all the different solutions for the gold (if you don’t have real gold of course) and none of them satisfied me. I’m not using rope, yarn and none of that. I did buy a lot of fake gold chains and gold mardi gras beads. Not only will this help with the high-volume look that Mr. T sported so well, but you can giveaway some of the beads to your female fans throughout the night. Best of both worlds my friends! Also, I have fat fingers so I had to search long and hard for rings that fit all my fingers. They were purchased at costume stores and carnival merchandise stores.

I was in ‘character’ all day, not only talking in Mr. T voice but reciting famous Mr. T lines ALL NIGHT. YouTube is a great source for these. Be ready to have a sore throat the next day from all the gruffy talking but it’s worth it :)

I won 3 costume contests for Halloween 2010 and got so many props for my efforts, which I appreciated greatly. I took thousands of pictures and sometimes had to decline the attention in order to just get a drink or talk to friends. I’m glad so many people know about Mr. T and even though it’s been many years since his proclaimed ‘heyday’, he’s still as popular and respected as ever!

Be Somebody, OR Be Somebody’s Fool!

Homemade  Mr. T Costume

Homemade  Mr. T Costume

Homemade  Mr. T Costume

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