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Coolest Party Animal Costumes

We started off our  Party Animal Costumes by going to our local thrift store and getting an over-sized men’s sweater that was comfortable. We then went to a Halloween store/party city and got a package of each animals ears, nose, tail, etc.. and got an easy to glue on party hat. We glued the hat to the ears that came in the package (covering one ear) and hot glued the tail on the part of the sweater where the tail would be.

We went to Hobby Lobby and got “fur” fabric to make the furry belly and arm fur, (or tiger stripes). You just cut it to the size you want it, and cut the wrist fur however you please. We wore panty hose with work out shorts over, since the sweater was over sized. We wore boots and/or tennis shoes (doesn’t really matter). We also picked up some annoying party favors to be extra obnoxious.

The whole project cost about $25

We started off by going to our local thrift store and getting an over-sized mens sweater that was comfortable. We then went to a halloween store/part

We started off by going to our local thrift store and getting an over-sized mens sweater that was comfortable. We then went to a halloween store/part

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