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Coolest Popcorn Homemade Halloween Costume

This Popcorn Homemade Halloween Costume idea was real simple. My son Jordan came up to me and said “Mommy I want to be a box of pop corn.” It just came out of left field, he’s only 6yrs old. So I got a box, tissue paper, a glue gun, and some spray paint. Wala… pop corn with butter, great for a movie night.

Glue gun
Spray paint (red,white)
Painter’s tape
Dark yellow acrylic paint
tissue paper
Computer & printer
Box cutter

How to make:
1. Spray paint a box white.
2. Tape off stripes and spray paint red.
3. Go on your computer and add a circle shape with outline.Fill the circle with white, and the outline fill it in red. Add text “Pop Corn” to the right size. Print out 2 copies and cut out graphic.
4. Remove the tape to expose the strips.
5. Glue cut graphic to box on both sides.
6. Cut out a head hole in top of the box and arm holes in the sides of box with a box cutter (be careful).
7. Wad tissue paper into balls and attach to top of the box with glue gun. Fill in holes as needed.
8. Add some dark yellow to the tops of wadded tissue paper for butter effect.

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