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Coolest Prince Charming Dog Costume

This is Sir Walter in his Prince Charming dog costume. He was entered in the Pug Social ensemble (more than one pug) costume contest with his mate Josie dressed as the “Tudors”. She wore a gown and a tiara. As beautiful as they were they only won third place, but had a lot of fun.

Walter’s tunic is made of heavy felt. The pattern was by trial and error. It is fastened at the waist by Velcro and another piece was added to the front to tuck it back for neatness. The jewelry is just costume from Walmart. The trim is braid that is glued to the felt with fabric adhesive. I tried to have a beret look for the hat. A ring of cardboard to fit Walter’s head covered in fabric and a poof of fabric for the top. I did a Google search for patterns for beret making and scaled down to Walter’s size once I got the idea.

Another band of trim from the fabric store glued to form the hat band. I had a wild turkey feather added to the back that is not showing in the picture. The hat is kept on by an elastic tightened by a craft bead held on by a knot. The background is photo shopped in from as if a cover of a romance novel to make a Valentine’s day card for my wife. Walter is a very distinguished looking pug in this outfit.

This is Sir Walter. He was entered in the Pug Social ensemble (more than one pug) costume contest with his mate Josie dressed as the “Tudors&rd

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