Cool Rainbow Brite Costume

My Rainbow Brite costume proved to be an affordable and fun adventure. The project began about 7 years ago, and every couple of years, I chose a few pieces to improve or rebuild. Finally, I feel that my current costume best reflects what the original doll would have worn.

At $1.85 per yard, the shiny fabric was cost efficient. Additional supplies included elastic for sleeves, red buttons for collar, yellow adhesive-backed felt, poly-fill, red sequined elastic for belt and suspenders, a zipper for the skirt, and color-coordinating thread.

Two inexpensive store-bought items made the job a bit easier. First, a blue body suit, to which I added custom sleeves and a yellow collar with red buttons. Second, red boots that I found online for the bargain price of $8.00, to which I added puffy rainbow-colored boot covers that slip easily on and off.

Coolest Homemade Costume Contest 2023

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