This Homemade Rainbow Brite Fancy Dress Costume was made pretty easily. I purchased a cheap 2nd hand blue dress from a discount store which was 3 sizes too big for me, pinned and resized it to fit me, which left me with handy off cuts for other areas on the costume. Lots of off cuts of cheap cotton painted with bright acrylics, details with ribbon glued and stitched in place. Faux fur trim on bottom of the dress and on the top of socks.
Sleeves and shoes where made from the same pair of pot socks, foot end of socks placed over heels and taped in place, whilst little the upper part of the sock was perfect for the sleeves with some of the orginal dress cut offs made for perfect little cuffs with painted stars on. Wig and false eye lashes top finish!
This costume was something I’d always wanted to make and I was so pleased with the final outcome and most of all I totally loved wearing it!
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