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Coolest Rollergirl and Dirk Diggler Costumes from Boogie Nights


1.) Roller skates (some roller rinks will let you rent)

2.) knee high socks- most sporting good stores carry them. However I wanted striped colors so I went to a Journey’s Shoe store.

3.) any classic 70/80 shirt will do- I went to my local Goodwill Store.

4.)I had purchased a 80’s shiny jacket from America apparel at Amazon.com- but it was too hot to wear

5.) shorts must be short short! I found these old 80’s cut boy basketball shorts at the Goodwill store as well

6.) hair in pigtails and your good to go!!!

(if your like me you might need to practice your rollerskating skills, it had been about 15 years since the last time I skated. It only get more difficult with the more drinks you have during the night).

Dirk Diggler

1.) wig

2.) 70’s big collared jacket(good will)

2.) big collared button up.. leave mostly unbuttoned)

3.) we stuffed a sock and placed down my husbands pants.. hey it is Dirk Diggler


Roller Girl~ Woman1.) Roller skates( some roller rinks will let you rent)2.) knee high socks- most sporting good stores carry them. However i wan

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