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Coolest Shower Loofah Halloween Costume

This was actually a pretty easy costume to make. With the help of a friend….Not so easy by yourself. I got some tulle from the fabric department. This stuff was actually thicker than tulle, and more like the actual shower puff material, and cheaper…and I had to go with green cause my only other options were brown and red…

Also remember to pick up a lot of the big sized safety pins. and some string.( I had pretty glitter string, but you cant see that in the pic)

I just took an bigger sized tank top and started bunching and pinning.. Well, my best friend did most of the bunching and pinning..

I tried to start without the top on and it wasn’t working out the way i wanted it to, so unless you have a mannequin I would suggest having help and wearing the top. then you start at the top and bunch it up and pin. and work your way down then work your way back up again…takes a little time, but i was really happy with costume. Although I was working in a bar that day and had to keep lifting myself to not knock over the bottles.. just add the string where ever you want it..

It did take a bit for people to figure out what i was but they really liked it and thought it was creative when it out. I won 1st place in one costume contest and second in another..so that made me feel good and let me know it was worth the time put into it.

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